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Equine Saddle Fitters
One of the most difficult components of tack is finding the right fit. Having an ill-fitting saddle leads to many postural and structural issues and even behavioral problems. This is where a saddle fitter (and tack fitter) come into play. They ensure the tack moves with the horse, not in spite of the horse. Below are people and businesses who specialize in finding the perfect fit for your horse, because despite the common phrase, one size DOES NOT fit all! Looking for places to buy tack or repair tack? We have categories for those - just click on tack or tack repair!
If you know of any individuals or businesses who should be added to this list, please let us know by:
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All locations, phone numbers, websites, and social media are linked for you to easily connect!
Start your search by choosing your location below!
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We repair, clean, make, buy, and sell western saddles and tack. We also do rider and horse fittings.

Northern Utah
Tailored Fit Saddles
Saddle Fitting
(Based in Davis County, serves Northern Utah)
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