Equine Acupuncture
Clinical trials indicate that acupuncture therapy can be effective as a supplemental treatment in the following conditions in horses:
musculoskeletal problems: muscle soreness, back pain, neck pain, osteoarthritis, degenerative joint disease, obscure lameness, laminitis
gastrointestinal disorders: diarrhea, impaction, chronic colic, gastric ulceration
neurological disorders: seizure, laryngeal hemiplegia, facial and radial nerve paresis
other chronic conditions: heaves (COPD, RAO, asthma), anhidrosis, uveitis, behavioral problems, Cushing's disease, hypo- or hyperthyroidism, infertility, renal failure, geriatric weakness, skin problems, performance enhancement and prevention of disease (UCDavis.edu)

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Educating equestrians about the importance of preventative veterinary medicine, specifically dentistry, and the benefits of veterinary acupuncture so that they may prevent disease in their equine companions, and enjoy riding them.
Acupuncture | Chiropractic | Dentistry | Exams | Vaccines | Coggins | Health Certs | Euthanasia

Dr. Cate Dolan, DVM/CVA
Dr. Cate Dolan is a licensed veterinarian, is certified in veterinary acupuncture, and can perform acupuncture exams and treatments at your home or barn. She offers a medical perspective that is grounded in conventional Western medicine, but that also draws wisdom from traditional medical systems such as Traditional Chinese Medicine.

A mobile veterinary practice serving Wasatch and Summit Counties in Utah.
Provides preventative care, acupuncture, and laser therapy.

Service Areas: Wasatch & Summit Counties

Utah's only specialty vet practice in integrative sports medicine & rehabilitation. We specialize in providing progressive and practical diagnostic and treatment choices to both equine and companion animal caretakers. Instead of using integrative modalities in a Western medical context, we use conventional medicine with integrative therapies in a (w)holistic environment
Acupuncture | Chiropractic | Thermal Imaging | Musculoskeletal Ultrasound | Injury Rehabilitation | Nutrition | Holistic Medicine | Sports Medicine and Performance Consults | Kinesiotaping | Equinosis Lameness Locator | Radiology

From pasture to performance, our expertise touches all aspects of equine health, wellness, and reproduction.

Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine |
Acupuncture (Dry Needle, Electro, Aqua, Moxa) |
Virtual Consultations | At Home Euthanasia Services |
Laser Therapy
At Holiystic Vet, we are guided by three principles: to provide the best care possible through a holistic approach, work with compassion and consider the patient as a whole, and to work in partnership with you to ensure the best quality of life for your pet.